I am getting better at Maths. i think. well, everytime i do some pastpapers, i get better marks than last time. but still, pretty confusing topics. i actually cannto believe the exam is on wednesday. but hopefully i'll be ok if i cover everything. I just had to post the pictures up there. it was the curliest hair i've had in ages. it was just so flickable. so i went kind of crazy. thank god the curtains were closed. i dont reckon people would think i was sane if theyu saw me flinging myself around while taking pictures. lol. i was just watching holes before coming on here. the book is way better, but the movie is also quite entertaining. i have a new liking, which is pomegranate juice. apparently it's a 'superfood'? i opened the carton and it smelt rank. a bit like a rotten fish and egg mayo sandwich. i bet you're thinking how does she like it? (unless you happen to like that kind of sandwich.) it tastes different if you screw it up in your mouth. really. looks nice too. i am feeling very full and happy. i have a stomach full of warm rice pudding. my mum makes it: soooo good. i must remind myself to put hansen on my ipod. they are the geeky ones from 10 years ago? dunno. i know i like one of their songs at least. i like how they all had long hair. and the small guy was so cute on his drums :) if i'd known about them 10 years ago, i would have fancied him, bet you anything. my sister is being 'nice' for now. though she swore at me this morning a few times. grr. am i being naive? do sisters swear at each other? her twin sister doesn't. i don't. hmm. interesting. i watched this show called Child Genius last night. [don't judge me. though you have already.] wowowowow they were scary smart. but also supersmart. it aint all bad. a little guy is studying Ancient Greek. i am laughing as i write this though i have no idea how that's funny. actually, probably cos intelligence is in positive correlation with age. oh yeah. i am a genius. *coughs*. maybe, different. i have decided that for the next year of school i will study each night so i dont have to cram before exams. (fyi, i decided this last year, and it never happened.) my iPod is losing its mirror shine. sob. its one of the original nanos and i <3>
More than likely i'll be back before the day is out. or the hour. ciao.
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