I'm guessing typing with a major headache isn't something you do everyday? it certainly doesn't help that i keep flicking my head up to follow a moth's journey across my pink wall. ew it's going UNDER THE WALL bleugh bleugh bleugh!!!!!!!! Where did it go??????? is there like some creepy insect Rave going on behind there? EEEEW... but it disappeared now. So, back to the headache.
I just had my geography exam today. I wrote 6 pages of A4 in my tiny writing. So my hand was numb. my brain was numb. my bum was numb. [2 hours non stop writing. Are they CRAZY???] ETC. And so my head is sore. And is gradually getting more sore. I was contemplating writing a good full blog, but me head won' let meh. Bleh.
So, I leave you with thoughts of disappearing insects and a sore head. And possibly another post tomorrow.
Happy Days. XO
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Friday, 22 May 2009
I like to Rhyme. X)
i started writing...then deleted it...i just cba writing atm. man. i've resorted to IM language. i am going downhill...
i have found writing to be a very fun hobby. so i've been writing little poems down. kind of sad you might think, but it's funny the things you think about when you start. i wrote a particularly amusing one about a special person ; ) you will NEVER know who you are!!!!
rhyming is COOL.
i've found Eminem to be cool. but only his song We Made You. i like it. my hitlist at the moment:
*taylor swift= everything (big surprise)
*tinchy stryder and n-dubz = number 1
*eminem= we made you
*brad paisley = whiskey lullaby
*tim mcgraw= bbq stain
i am IN LOVE with You Belong With Me, Taylor Swift's video. it's so cute! and i love her glasses.
i could probably post another post about that video. i think i'll do it tomorrow. (i have no life.)
so, until then.

i have found writing to be a very fun hobby. so i've been writing little poems down. kind of sad you might think, but it's funny the things you think about when you start. i wrote a particularly amusing one about a special person ; ) you will NEVER know who you are!!!!
rhyming is COOL.
i've found Eminem to be cool. but only his song We Made You. i like it. my hitlist at the moment:
*taylor swift= everything (big surprise)
*tinchy stryder and n-dubz = number 1
*eminem= we made you
*brad paisley = whiskey lullaby
*tim mcgraw= bbq stain
i am IN LOVE with You Belong With Me, Taylor Swift's video. it's so cute! and i love her glasses.
i could probably post another post about that video. i think i'll do it tomorrow. (i have no life.)
so, until then.
i was having fun flicking. i think i've actually put these up before. ah well. i get to remind myself.
(p.s. i had my french exam today, the listening went to pot, but i am praying for a decent mark in the writing&reading...)
Monday, 11 May 2009
I am in shock. my face is like ---- :O :( yeah, basically deeply unhappy. so the whole story started when i decided to get myself a snack. (as you do.) so, i go to the fridge. my eye is drawn to a black spot on the floor. (about the size of a 10p). but i just ignored it, cos there are frequently marbles ETC on our floors. but then it moved and disappeared under the fridge. of course, i had to notice it. i thought it was a marble, therefore it had rolled. but no. it resurfaced and went to the wall. literally the BIGGEST spider i had ever seen in my life was standing (?) there, waiting. waiting. and i stood still incase it tried to run at me. i am serious, it was literally 2cm away from my foot, so it could've run up my leg into my jeans...my face is cringing with horror just thinking about it. EW. So I screamed for my Dad, who was very reluctant to remove himself from his newspaper to kill it. [sorry, spider lovers. it's how things work in my house.] But he did, and I was safe. :)
i wasn't scared...
Fascinating Fact:
Cooked tarantula spiders are considered a delicacy in Cambodia
No matter how fascinating the fact, I am still scared of them.
(a sidenote on today's post, had my chemistry exam today. i am praying for a credit pass. who knew maltose was identified by Benedict's?? sob. also, had english on friday and it went good. confident about maths and english. computing on wednesday :( )
Friday, 8 May 2009
I am feeling so messed up it's not even funny. I just spent about ten to fifteen minutes crying in my living room. my dad was beside me and he didn't even ask if i was ok. i mean, i loove my dad, of course i do, but come on! you can't just sit there and hear someone cry and not ask what's up. it all started...2 years ago. i chose chemistry as my science option. and now i have the exam on monday. i don't get chemistry IN THE SLIGHTEST. and so i'm spending every spare moment trying to revise. and then my dad says i have to work with sheep tomorrow [2 days before exam.] and it doesnt help that my teacher expects me to get the top grade. NEVER going to happen, but these people just can't absorb the PLAIN FACTS. I am NOT a scientist. I never will be. And there's no point trying to say I can do anything if I try because I do not get it. it is so frustrating to me becaus enormally i can just look over certain things and i can usually memorize them ok, but it comes to chemistry and not a thing is understood by my brain/mind. and i don't care becase i wont do anything scientific when i'm older. but it leaves a large 'Worry' sign at the back of my mind knowing that I won't do well in the exam. so i am trying to revise revise revise revise triple revise to hopefully get a decent mark. (trust me, lately my marks aint been that hot, so i am very worried.) and this is not helped by having to get up at 7AM to go help with some goddam sheep. i mean i'll do it for Dad but i do not want to in the slightest. i would rather eat pork all day. and i hate pork. i am so MISUNDERSTOOD. I hate science. not all the work people have done in the field of science. Just trying to learn about covalent bonding, glucose production and whatevr the hell else there is in the bloody textbook. AAAAAAAAAAAAGH. take all my frustration out on the keyboard. b laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. hate cheeeeeeemistryy. the only bright spot in my mind will be that, at 12.21pm on Monday, NO MORE CHEMISTRY. and the textbook can go straight up the creek. and never come back.
Desperately desperately desperately desperately wishing for a good mark so i can have something to show for my 2 torturous years in the science lab. and that is the only reason i am studying. no doubt i'll be blogging when i come home on monday about all the test. i'll be either crying or smiling. (taking the exam too seriously? that's me all over.)
[Had English today. Was good.]
:) :( :) :( ;]
Desperately desperately desperately desperately wishing for a good mark so i can have something to show for my 2 torturous years in the science lab. and that is the only reason i am studying. no doubt i'll be blogging when i come home on monday about all the test. i'll be either crying or smiling. (taking the exam too seriously? that's me all over.)
[Had English today. Was good.]
:) :( :) :( ;]
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Power to the Petal.

pretty little things little girls love.

Life is like a Flower. You never know how beautiful it can be until it blossoms right in front of you.
a side note on today's first post, i am seriously struggling with chemistry. [exam on monday.] some things just can't be done. wish me luck.
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
r to the e to the l-a-x
the greatest word in the english language.
we should all cherish it.
Mathematical Theory of Life?
So...I said my next post would be when my maths exam is over...so here it is (: after all my stressing i think i've done ok. hopefully a credit pass put if you think you've done well and told people you have, you end up with a disappointing mark. ah well. as i said, 'I managed to answer all the questions and not freeze when I looked at the paper :) boy...this is a good day. I believe success comes to those who don't give up. And hopefully this comes into place throughout my exams. Because I dont stop at the first sign of trouble. carry on trying! and even if you don't manage it, at least you tried your hardest. like my friend Harpa who finished the paper in about 20 minutes and spent 45 minutes attempting to answer a giraffe related one. yes, it was maths.
my message?
success in everything[hard stuff included] = persisting in
all areas of appropriate subjects relating/not relating in order to excel.
This is one life-boosting blog. I should be a life coach.
love sandra. (:
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
The Fly Disappeared!!! :O
I am Scared.
It's the time of the year when those horrible things start to surface. Flies. no, not on trousers. Those horrible egg-bearing, germ-containing black beasts. Ever since I was little, i have hated these things with a passion. [note i call them things, they're not even animals.] It's just disgusting to think that they lay loads of eggs and they open and form identical flies also carrying germs..it is a vicious circle. I know, I know, my parents have told me often enough, 'it's probably more scared of you than you are of it.' really? how do they know that? do they have the mind capacity to think that I carry germs and will lay them anywhere. [FYI, i don't. well, normal amount. that human beings carry in general?] anyway, i just hate them. and the noise they make. bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. etc. over and over and over again. Growing louder when frustrated. or happy? dunno.
So. On to my tale of fear.
I was happily minding my house. I was in the kitchen. There was a lovely smell of toast in the air. My sisters had come from school and were making a snack. I went over to the sink. We have a window in front of the sink. There was the comforting sound of Phineas and Ferb in the background. So, the sink. I looked out the window to the sea. (you have no choice.) and then i heard a noise. yes, the previously mentioned noise. so i looked down and saw this horror flying around. i hadn't seen one in 6 or 7 months. :( Of course I opened the window wide as possible to try and force it out. It was one of the big monsters that are twice the average size....
i'll keep you in suspense. have to have my tea :) x
study? nah.
Maths exam is....TOMORROW?? :o
well, here i am again. it's funny, the exam is tomorrow, but i felt more like studying yesterday. it's like i have a tendency to worry about something when it's not necessary to worry, and when it is necessary, i have a 'don't care' feeling in my brain that stoppers all other emotions! like the need to study! so i'm givign myself a little break here. however, i've promised myself that while i'm online, i WILL go onto some maths revision websites. i keep having hallucinations about sitting in the exam hall, staring at my paper, with absolutely no idea what to do. funnily enough, it's not bothering me enough to force me to study. curse you, brain stopper. so, i'm all alone in the house. sisters are in school, parents at work. it is very very very calm. The perfect environment to do anything i like with no hassle. ice-cream, here i come!. ok, i have to be off by 2pm. i want to watch sweet sixteen :) yes, i know i'm sad, and that i should frikin STUDY!!! so...im off to check out some maths revision sites...back in a jif. 13:46
i'm back...it is 13:49. it was too hard to concentrate. i'm just going to study offline. my next post will be after the exam, describing everything. beware, people!
computer, wish me LUCK. :)
[sorry about the colour changes in the text. it was fun for me.]
Monday, 4 May 2009
Randomaths and confestions.
wow. writer's block? don't think so. I can't stop writing so i'm writing tiny! it's just really weird expressing yourself online. it's daring in a weird way. but also very good practice for aspiring creativists :) (see, i'm making up new words noW! =)) isn't it completely AWESOME that we can do this? call me a geek but i find it amazing. like, how can people find the necessary programming language to make up a program that allows us to type/look at websites or do anything? call me a dinosaur but we take so much for granted. trust me, i took computing in school: no good at it. i cannot read any of the above. too small. and the colour changer on this blogger can have water thrown at it. ice cold water. my neck is Uber Stiff: i have been sitting at this thing for a coupla hours. i tried to convince myself before i logged on that i would go on to study maths. pff. *tries to hold in laughter. fails* We go for the things that interest us. Writing interests me, maths doesn't. choices confuse me. so i stick with the safe. that explains why i chose maths for next year. Duuh. the blank bit of this box is looking at me temptingly. Write in me. WRITE IN ME!!! So, I please it by writing in it. Which pleases my writing side. But not my maths side. It is craving for maths. But I don't have the ability to please it. Words I can do. Figures I can't. You might think this is pointless text but it really is fun writing nonsense down. You feel satisfied for some reason. So...it is swine time :( some 'pandemic.' i feel sorry for the people who have it. or had holidays booked and lost all their money. just because an idiot decided to start it. [ i don't know if this is the case. is it?] man i sound unintelligent. i really aren't ignorant. it's almost 11pm for pity's sake. you can't expect me to write sense. until tomorrow.
I'm guessing probably everyone around the globe- well those with access to newspapers and youtube - have heard of Susan Boyle? presumably, if you have access to youtube, you watched her audition? wasn't it disgusting the way everyone judged her before she sang? itv...the general public...you - we -should be ashamed of ourselves. i'm guessing we thought she was a no-hoper. this wasn't helped by the ludicrous music itv played leading up to her song. the sort of music you would imagine a country bumpkin attempting to launch into a right whopper of a fall. we saw her eating a sandwich as she waited. this also told everyone that she had no idea of the world of showbiz? that professionals don't eat on tv, with media all around? did anyone actually think that she was comfortable in her own skin, and that this was the reason she was unashamedly doing these things we associate with foolishness? As she confessed to have never being kissed, we felt itv was leading her on, making most people laugh at her? i felt sorry for her. i felt that they were asking her thes questions, not out of interest, but in order to make people laugh at her. which was probably true. i admit, as soon as we saw her on screen, i immediately told my mum , 'she's going to be bad' as I squirmed on the sofa. (squeamish when it comes to people embarrasing themselves.) susan was also different in the fact that she didn't say she should win, unlike the deluded no-hopers that dominate the auditions. we should have suspected something. [i know some people might have, but the majority of us probably didn't.] as she stepped on the stage, i couldn't look. as we saw the faces of certain members of the audience, we couldn't help feeling the same. the cameras closed up on a certain girl, perhaps to generalise the feeling of the majority. a horrible wolf whistle found its way on to the stage. it seemed to last for around ten minutes. the judges were also sceptical . they had probably seen a large amount of people that day and found that the easiest thing to do is react in the way we have been brainwashed to. that is, assume if people are not blonde, with skin as shiny as a mirror, a body shape like a lollipop and heels as high as the nearest skyscraper, they are unworthy of people's time and attention; they are even ridiculed. this was certainly the case on britain's got talent. amanda holden told susan afterwards, 'we were all laughing at you,' and piers morgan said, 'everyone was against you.' why the hell would people be against her? she hadn't done anything; said anything? if anything, it should be her against everyone else for making a mockery of her! this makes me soo angry! but she stood up on stage and listened to this UNNECESSARY CRITICISM and did not say a word. she could be successful in her own right, and not picked on and scrutinized by Morgan and Holden. [who are famous for what? tv personalities? since when have they had any judgement on decent talent?] i certainly learnt a hard lesson. and those with a conscience would also feel ashamed. [did we hear anyone specific APOLOGIZE???] as for the bgt judges, they can screw themselves. over & out.
p.s. [can you tell i like her?]
p.s. [can you tell i like her?]
youtube = LURVE
i am just sitting here laughing my head off. i am watching bloopers on youtube of old reality tv episodes like idol and x factor. they are actually classic. half of them people say they don't like the judges' opinions and dont need them but why did they go there in the first place if they're not going to take direction? Probably because their egos are so mejanculous that they could fit 3000000 football stadoiums in it. And eat it. makes sense to me. i love the funny auditions before it gets onto the serious 'competition' side of everything. the fun goes out of it. I am also a big fan of watching weather men and news readers muck up on live TV. i just sit there, head to one side, transfixed. making little laughing sounds :) soo funny!! my favourite one had something to do with a crazy lady on x factor who was holistic something. i love simon's comebacks. he's the best judge cos he's the only one who knows anything about music. well that was a nice pick me up. after laughing at people, back to RE questions. au revoir.
(8) tim mcgraw- taylor swift
Flick it out!!!!
I am getting better at Maths. i think. well, everytime i do some pastpapers, i get better marks than last time. but still, pretty confusing topics. i actually cannto believe the exam is on wednesday. but hopefully i'll be ok if i cover everything. I just had to post the pictures up there. it was the curliest hair i've had in ages. it was just so flickable. so i went kind of crazy. thank god the curtains were closed. i dont reckon people would think i was sane if theyu saw me flinging myself around while taking pictures. lol. i was just watching holes before coming on here. the book is way better, but the movie is also quite entertaining. i have a new liking, which is pomegranate juice. apparently it's a 'superfood'? i opened the carton and it smelt rank. a bit like a rotten fish and egg mayo sandwich. i bet you're thinking how does she like it? (unless you happen to like that kind of sandwich.) it tastes different if you screw it up in your mouth. really. looks nice too. i am feeling very full and happy. i have a stomach full of warm rice pudding. my mum makes it: soooo good. i must remind myself to put hansen on my ipod. they are the geeky ones from 10 years ago? dunno. i know i like one of their songs at least. i like how they all had long hair. and the small guy was so cute on his drums :) if i'd known about them 10 years ago, i would have fancied him, bet you anything. my sister is being 'nice' for now. though she swore at me this morning a few times. grr. am i being naive? do sisters swear at each other? her twin sister doesn't. i don't. hmm. interesting. i watched this show called Child Genius last night. [don't judge me. though you have already.] wowowowow they were scary smart. but also supersmart. it aint all bad. a little guy is studying Ancient Greek. i am laughing as i write this though i have no idea how that's funny. actually, probably cos intelligence is in positive correlation with age. oh yeah. i am a genius. *coughs*. maybe, different. i have decided that for the next year of school i will study each night so i dont have to cram before exams. (fyi, i decided this last year, and it never happened.) my iPod is losing its mirror shine. sob. its one of the original nanos and i <3>
More than likely i'll be back before the day is out. or the hour. ciao.
Sunday, 3 May 2009
I am writing this in a very cheerful colour, unlike my mood. I don't know what it is but i'm so darn tired atm. i am fed up with maths: i am beginning to regret taking it for next year. I reckon it's just because i've been doing past papers for around 4 or 5 hours today, never mind looking up tips on the WWW. Gosh...what is the point of math? Am I ever going to want to know the function of a trig graph, or to solve an indice when I am living happily in a math-free way? I mean, it's awesome when you've worked the thing out and it's right. but all that frustration? SO not worth it. just stuck on some lovely taylor swift musique. it helps lift my mood. wow. my face is cracking with a smile. . . . : ) there we go! I think I'll take a break tomorrow. well, for a few hours at least. i mean, i will cry when this exam is over. it's english on friday, but i'm not really worrying so much about that. i quite like english so long live english in the curriculum! i suppose i'm quite good at maths but add it with stress and it equals a stressful mathematician. wow. i just used maths incorporated with english. maybe there is a future for maths in my life. but maybe in literal terms. i'm confusing myself now. i had a very nice break from maths in the afternoon when i watched some riveting tv. awesome program it was. yeah...i'm drifting. i have no subject, so i'm goingg...maybe to watch something. more than likely i'll be back within a few hours. fact: i love blogging. is it a 'first few blogs' high? if it is, hope it lasts. (: yes, a happier sandra.
Maths, a dash of country with a sprinkle of apple.
back again. i just spent like 3 hours studying maths. my marks are getting better :D i thought i'd treat myself to some more blogging. boy is this therapeutic. maybe for me, but maybe not if someone else is reading it. but perhaps so. i have a new love and respect for country music. =) yep. first taylor swift, now kellie pickler, carrie underwood, tim mcgraw, kenny chesney, brad paisley...etc! my head just kind of turned to face my bookshelf and i am looking at 2 apples. that was probably the most random sentence ever. though true. i would have eaten them - i know fruit is good - but they have been stabbed with numerous pens and coins. (they have been lyin at the bottom of my bag for the past 2 or 3 weeks. sorry apples, for putting you through that torture. but i suppose you cant feel anything as you have no nerves. so...i really hope i get a good maths mark, i have been studying like crazy. it's a new me. past papers all the way. guess what i had today. creme caramel. a low budget creme brulee. a custard with a carmelised surface, which is very satisfying. (note to hsm's zeke: i agree.) my wardrobe still gives me nightmares. but hey, i tidied my shoe rack. i deserve credit for that. wow. blogging makes a dull sunday interesting. it's cool typing my life out. (life? i have been sitting at a computer for about 2 hours.) http://www.coolaworld.com/ just in case anyone is reading this, check it out. it's really inspiring. i can't believe anyone is so ignorant as to think nothing is happening. turn the lights out people! ciao.
oh my days....yesterday to be precise.
i went to the movies yesterday. confessions of a shopaholic? i want her 3 tone blue shoes. and black and white coat. i want to find out who made them... everytime i look in my wardrobe i want to punch someone!/thing! It is a state, I mean, when you see in movies the over-dramatic clothes falling onto the person while they stand horrified underneath...yeah, the person is me. it's not as if i have a shopping problem- trust me, that is impossible where i live- it's just my weird shaped closet. see, there are two narrow doors on either side of a long narrow mirror stretching from the top to the bottom. it would be OK if the doors were mirrored, with no section in between. its kind of annoying because i can't see what's behind the section so i have to stick my arm round at a 45' angle and grab whatever i feel. so a lot of clothes are left abandoned. sorry. if only the wardrobe designer had not tried to be different and make a different shaped wardrobe. life would be a lot easier for me. and possibly the people who bought the same one, i don't know? i bought a cool dress yesterday. correction. my mum bought it, but it's going in my wardrobe. it's like a navy dress with awesome cartoon birds on it. i go for different things :) i trawled the charity shops yesterday hoping to come across cool fabric or even a readymade piece, but...nada,zilch,nought. :( and jewellery. even more nought. i actually saw some charms on earrings that would have made a great necklace, but it cost too much for a little piece of plastic. money is object for me. and i also kissed the 'peace' sign necklace goodbye. sob. mum said she had earrings for me that i could make into a necklace but she hasn't resurfaced anything. i suppose it's a good thing. i don't want those earrings touching her ears or leaving the house.
i'm kind of hungrry, i gotta get breakfast. but first, i have to get pictures off my camera i took yesterday. i was in a bit of a random mood.
there's something very relaxing about taking pictures of paintbrushes.
high-tops! ..what is that white stuff on the carpet?
my favouritest shoes ever....but which are slowly ripping due to no fault of my own. well...over-wearage? over-looking? is this karma?
a nice little compo.
the name is scissorhands. this is a new invention. instead of a jar, use a hand. a paint brush hand. this is going to sell.
yeah. bye.
Friday, 1 May 2009
totally not awesome.
I had just finished the latest post. i know, something like the 4th today. i think i'm obsessed. or embracing my creative side. anyway, about thirty seconds ago, i pressed Publish Post. and all this html comes up, and i have lost all my pictures, and my lovely long paragraph. :'( but here is my lovelier new longer paragraph :) i cannot wait until britain's got talent. fuhrny 8) going to town tomorow, going to check out our limited supply of shops. i will post another post tomorrow which will include a whiny paragraph, but hopefully some cheerful bits too :) i need to buy teen vogue...and tidy my wardrobe...
yeah, gonna get some z's.

I am so happy today we have no school man! :) exams coming up so i am 'studying'. if studying is dressing up i am doing that full time. i should get an A. I dragged this dress out of my wardrobe..i havent actually worn it since i was around 11, so it's time to show it some love :) it is very swoopy; i like that ;) I fancy finding a very unusually shaped ring. Next on my todo list. as well as maths revision, duh...
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