Thursday, 7 May 2009

Power to the Petal.


pretty little things little girls love.

But we take them for granted. Those colourful plants that grow all round us give us pleasure that we are unaware of. They appeal to our colour stimulator in our brain. Their brightly-coloured petals make us feel happy, even though we are not consciously aware of what's making us Smile. Like when we walk past a field of tulips in Amsterdam - just trying to be a little picturesque - you can't help but flick your hair back, look up at the sun and think to yourself 'Happy Days!' Even though you were grumpy walking past the windmills a minute before hand. Especially yellow flowers. They just scream summer. And summer makes us happy! Bright yellow sun...bright yellow sunflower. They're so pretty. And do you know what? You know the old thing, 'Loves me, loves me not?' I hate it! I hate seeing the poor little petals of a dainty white daisy being pulled to pieces! It's like someone pulling your hair out! Poor daisy. And just to make me sound like a flower freak, I went on a Flower Protection Hunt. It actually made me laugh. Check it out. Show yo' respect for the flowers : Oh, yeah. So...Look out for flowers. They are beautiful, and beautiful things shouldn't get hurt. Think of your most prized possession. (iPod, dog, pet rock...) Would you want anything to happen to it? (If you have a pet rock, crawl under it in shame.) Don't rip it out the ground to check if your friend Lurves you. Leave it alone. :)

Life is like a Flower. You never know how beautiful it can be until it blossoms right in front of you.

a side note on today's first post, i am seriously struggling with chemistry. [exam on monday.] some things just can't be done. wish me luck.

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